There is good news and bad news...  The USOC and the NArchival Archery (now let's call us/them by the right name:) USA Archery are moving quickly towards resolving the crisis in the organizational operations.  There has been a problem revealed regarding the possible embezzlement of funds, the elections have NOT been on track for the national target's annual meeting (they were suspended till October at the soonest to allow for a new nominations process), and there are a lot of personal emotions and politics in play.  Some might say that the "old guard" and the "new guard" are in outright feud, at just the wrong time for the olympiad cycle.  But is there ever a wrong time for getting things "straight"?

I feel there IS a reason for GOOD OPTIMISM at this point although things are happening and time is short.  You need to read and understand, and be prepared to act for the general election which will be held (probably) in October. 

There is indeed a newly constituted, objective nominating committee in place at this point and they are ready and willing to consider ANY AND ALL nominations from the body at large, for the next completely new set of board members that will guide us into the next generation of our organization.  Several people on this committee are archers, people you know and I respect.  Others are from other strong Olympic disciplines/organizations.  They will choose who among us will constitute the new board.  Some board members will not even be archers but also, some will.

I think this change is a very good thing.  It is the best chance, the only chance really, for us as the NArchival Archery to be reborn into the Olympic family as a modern organization under the USOC's rules and standards. I don't see that we have much of a choice about this and I am glad for the opportunity, even if it is in some ways unavoidable. 

Please read the following bulletin.  And if you want to make a better USA Archery then participate.  Please do so in a positive way, a proactive way, and work for the best outcome for the future.  Push someone you know to volunteer, or volunteer yourself.  Nominate.  Participate.  And recognize that change is inevitable.  Improve the outcome by your positive input.

The following documents can be found at this link on the US archery website. 

USA Archery Initial Nominating Committee Convenes and Announces Process


August 1, 2007

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO— Earlier this year, the USOC requested and USA Archery agreed to make fundamental changes in its governance structure.

In the latest step in USA Archery’s progress toward governance reform, USA Archery is pleased to announce the seating of its independent Initial Nominating and Governance

Committee (“Committee”) as follows:

· Chair, Jeff Benz, Executive Vice President, AVP Pro Beach Volleyball Tour (Former USOC General Counsel)

· Member, David M. Askinas, CEO, USA Taekwondo

· Member, Tom Stevenson, National Archery Association Foundation President (Former NArchival Archery President and USOC Board Member)

· Member, Jennifer Comedy Holmes, Communications Department Chair, Northwest Vista College, San Antonio, A (Archer)

· Member, Robert Pian, Architect (JOAD Committee and Judge)

Brad Camp, American Archers Executive Director and Secretary General, has been providing staff support to the Committee, though to allow Mr. Camp to attend to his other USA Archery duties, the Committee is seeking its own staff support.

“We are looking forward to being able to seat a well-qualified, new Board to enable USA Archery to continue on its progress toward organizational excellence,” said Committee Chair Jeff Benz, “We appreciate the support we have received from Acting President Jane Johnson and Executive Director Brad Camp, and from the United States Olympic Committee, in providing us with the resources and independence we need to accomplish this important task.” The Committee has already met twice by telephone conference call. The Committee has requested and the USA Archery Board has granted an extension of time from August 7, 2007 until October 22, 2007 for the Committee to complete its work.

The Committee has posted nomination materials for the various open positions on the USA Archery website at this link.

The Committee is actively seeking nominations of qualified and diverse individuals to serve in the open positions. The Committee notes that it is conducting its own process anew; if an individual previously submitted materials to USA Archery for an open position, that individual will need to resubmit those materials in the manner indicated on the American Archers website.

The Committee will accept nominations through at least August 24, 2007. The Committee intends to conduct an active search. The Committee requests the National Field Archery Association to submit its selection for Allied Director to the Committee by August 24, 2007. The Committee understands issues have arisen with respect to the athlete positions and the Committee will resolve those issues separately working with the appropriate parties.

Representatives of the Committee will make a presentation at the USA Archery Annual Meeting concerning the Committee and its process. The Committee encourages all USA Archery members to participate in this process by nominating themselves, nominating others, or bringing to the attention of the Committee the identities of other individuals qualified to serve and with an interest in USA Archery or the sport of Archery.

The new American Archers Bylaws can be found at this link.

USA Archery is the national governing body for the sport of archery in the United States, recognized as such by the United States Olympic Committee and FITA, the international federation for the sport of Olympic-eligible archery. USA Archery serves its more than 6000 members through developmental and elite archery programs and it nominates the Olympic team for the United States in the sport of archery to the United States Olympic Committee. Any communications to the Nominating and Governance Committee should be directed to


The nominations form:






Nominee’s Printed Name:_________________________________

Director Position for Which Seeking Nomination (please circle or highlight one only):



            At Large




If seeking nomination for Grassroots or Allied Archery Organizations, please have nomination form signed here by representative of qualified nominating organization for that category (for Grassroots, by JOAD and collegiate clubs of American Archers in good standing; for Allied, by the National Field Archery Association; see Bylaws generally):







Business Address and Telephone:

Home Address and Telephone:

Mobile Telephone:

Email Address(es):





If nominated and elected to serve in the above-referenced position, I hereby certify that:

1.    I am willing and able to serve, and I have the time available to serve in this position;

2.    I will agree to be bound by the USA Archery Bylaws in my service in this position;

3.    The statements and other representations made by me in my nomination materials are true, accurate, and correct, and that I will update my information with the Nominating and Governance Committee as any changes occur;

4.    Nothing in my past history or current representations would present any conflict with my duties as a member of the Board or present a potential embarrassment to USA Archery;

5.    I understand that I am subject to, and I agree to be subject to, a reasonable background investigation that may include a review of any criminal or public records, and I agree to provide any additional documentation or information or execute any additional documents to permit USA Archery to complete any background investigation into me concerning my service on the Board;

6.    I understand that by accepting nomination and signing this certification I hereby consent to the release of any documents or other information to USA Archery concerning my background;

7.    I agree to exercise due care in exercising my duties as a member of the Board of USA Archery if selected and to otherwise follow the standards of conduct set forth in the USA Archery Bylaws for such service; and

8.    I agree to provide any additional documentation or information or execute any additional documents to permit USA Archery to complete its background investigation, if any.







Printed Name


