October 2014
9th and 11th Victoria County (Straight Arrow): RESULTS
Cindy Vecera - vecera@txun.net
23rd and 25th DeWitt County (Fair Grounds) RESULTS
Tammi Dixon - dewitt4harchery@yahoo.com
November 2014
6th & 8th Colorado County (Fair Grounds) RESULTS
13th & 15th Jackson County (Lolita Shooting Barn) RESULTS
Allen Pokluda - eagle_1504@yahoo.com
20th, 21st & 22nd Matagorda County (Fair Grounds) RESULTS
Sharon Huffman sbhuffman@hotmail.com
21st, 22nd, & 23rd Aggie Invitational (College Station)
December 2014
11th District (Straight Arrow-Victoria) Register online with 4H Connect $20.00 (Late fee +$25) ** once registered you will need to email tom@straightarrowarchery.org for target assignments**
5th, 6th, & 7th Longhorn Indoor (Austin)
February 2015
28th San Patricio County (location to be announced)
March 2015
19th, 20th, 21st State (Matagorda County Fair Grounds) Register online with 4H Connect
Please understand that registration and set up for tournaments are very time consuming and planning is done weeks in advance, we ask you to register for tournaments as early as possible to insure your are granted a lane. PLEASE EMAIL REGISTRATION INFORMATION TO THE EMAILS ABOVE!
**LATE REGISTRATION FEES: This year all tournaments will have a pre-registration which must be turned by the Tuesday night before the tournaments starts, anyone that registers for the tournament after this will have a $10.00 late fee added to their entry fee per archer.
**NO SHOW: If you register for a tournament and do not show up, you will still be responsible for that entry fee which will you will be required to pay before you are allowed to shoot in another tournament. (In the case of an emergency it will be up to the tournaments director to wave this fee)
**LATE ARRIVAL: Archers are required to be at the tournament 30 minutes before their scheduled start time. If you are late to a tournament and have not made arrangements with the tournament director you will be considered a “NO SHOW” in which they may reassign your target to another archer. If you are still allowed to shoot, it will be left up to the director weather they will allow you to make up missed ends or scratch them.