1.             I agree to attend all sessions that are a part of the planned program and to support my team and others in their events.  I will not leave the grounds of the match site without permission from the state specialist or his designated agent and will  destinations and local contact information prior to leaving the site.

2.             I agree to attend all orientations and other official activities, including awards ceremonies and to support all team members while on the facility.  I agree that I will honor others privacy by treating all housing on site or at motels is either family or unisex.  I will keep interactions with team members and others to public areas, and I will not enter rooms occupied by members of the opposite sex.

3.             I agree to dress appropriately for the situation, modestly, and with team regalia when in official situations.  In addition, I agree to behave with courtesy, cleanliness, respect for others, and high standards of both manners and behavior at all times. I will avoid bragging, put-downs, derogatory remarks and similar inappropriate behaviors, and will use appropriate language at all times, remembering that I represent my state, A 4-H and the A 4-H Shooting Sports Program.

4.             I agree to communicate my whereabouts and to obtain permission to be in any location aside from those of official events or activities.

5.             I agree to abstain from tobacco use or possession during this program.  I understand and endorse the legal prohibition against tobacco possession by anyone under 18.

6.             I understand and agree to having no alcohol, controlled substances (except as prescribed by a physician), fireworks, balloon launchers or similar devices in my possession during this event.  I further agree that all firearms, archery tackle and ammunition are to be cased or otherwise stored securely except while on the ranges.

7.             I agree to abstain from any destructive behavior, vandalism or damage to furnishings, furniture, equipment, range facilities, signs or the environment, and I understand that such behaviors will not be tolerated and that I will be held responsible should I violate this agreement.



1.             I understand that violations of these agreements may result in my explaining my actions to staff in charge and providing either or both private and public apology for such actions.

2.             I understand that any behavior that is disruptive to the event or discrediting to the state and its programs will not be tolerated.  I further understand that at a minimum follow up letters to parents, county 4-H council and county Extension agents concerned will be sent.

3.             I understand that continued or flagrant violation of these agreements may result in dismissal from the team, expulsion from the grounds and being sent home at parental expense.

4.             I understand that violation of the policy defined in agreements 5 and 6 above will result in dismissal from the team, expulsion from the grounds and being sent home at the earliest convenience at parental expense.



I have read the Code of Conduct and expectations and the consequences of violations.  I agree to abide by this Code in all points.


Signature of Participant                                                                                    Date

As the parent or guardian of                                                                              , I have read the Code of Conduct and I  support it in all points and specifications.  I give permission to the staff in charge to carry out the Code as described.



Signature of Parent or Guardian