Hosted by: Trosper JOAD Archery Club
WHEN: February 16-18, 2007
WHERE: Trosper Archery Club Indoor Range, 400 South Vermont, Suite 118 Oklahoma
City, OK 73108
WHAT: A double FITA I (60 arrows at 18 meters on a 40 centimeter face) at two
separate times for adults and youths shooting the adult round. JOADs will shoot
a single FITA I (60 arrows at 18 meters on a 60 centimeter face) on Saturday.
JOAD compounds will use a 40 cm. face. All compounds except JOAD division will
use inner ten ring scoring.
SHOOTING TIMES: JOAD line - Saturday at 1 p.m. All other divisions: (Choose two
of the following) Friday 6 p.m., Saturday 8 a.m., Saturday 6 p.m., Sunday 9 a.m.
(a Sunday 1 line will be made available only if all other lines fill)
COST: $30 for adults entries, $20 for youths for each division entered
AWARDS: Based on entries in each division. Note: So that awards may be given out
immediately after the JOAD line, JOADs shooting after the Sat 1 time will not be
eligible for awards unless they are the only ones in their division.
SEND PAYMENT AND ENTRY FORM TO: Gary Adair 6125 Westlane Oklahoma City, OK 73142
FOR MORE INFO CONTACT: Gary Adair at (405) 721-7596 or gadair@cox.net Or Jane
Johnson at (405)-341-1868 or jjohnson1951@sbcglobal.net
ENTRY DEADLINE: Space on each line is limited to the first 28 people to sign up
for each time so get your entry in early to be guaranteed a time slot. You may
email a request to have a space held. Space will be held for one week. If
payment is not received by then, the space will be given to people on the
waiting list if there is a waiting list at that point. Email request to Gary
Adair at gadair@cox.net
WEBSITE INFORMATION: See the website for maps to the venue, information on how
many people are currently registered, who is currently entered in each division.
Check it out at http://trosperarchery.org. Click on the OKC Invitational for
more information. NArchival Archery official dress code will be enforced - white, navy or
khaki shorts, skirts, or pants, no blue jeans, shirt may be any color. No
camouflage. College teams and JOAD clubs may wear their club uniforms. See the
website for more detailed information. --------
Name: ________________________________________ Phone:
Address: ______________________________________ email:
City: _________________State:______Zip:___________
College or JOAD Club Name _____________________________________ Date of Birth
(if JOAD) _____________
Divisions: (Check one in each category) Male_______ Female_____ Recurve_______
Compound_____ Barebow______
Master (over 50) _____Senior _____ College _____ JOAD _____
if JOAD: Junior _____ Cadet ____ Cub _____ Bowman _____ Yeoman_____
(If you want to shoot in an unlisted division, just let me know and we will
consider adding it).
Shooting times: Circle the two times you want (JOADs shoot one time - Sat.
1): Fri 6 pm, Sat 8am, Sat. 6 pm, Sun 9 am
AGE Classifications Yeoman through 8th year of age (shoot 9 meters)
Bowman through 12th year of age
Cub through 14th year of age
Cadet thru 16th year of age
Junior thru 18th year of age
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