Archival Archery Archery News

October 15, 2002

In this newsletter:
4H District 11 Goliad Invitational Tournament
A A&M Indoor Draws Near
Archival Archery President Does OK At The World Masters Games, Held In Australia
26th Longhorn Indoor Tournament
Tourney Calendar
Shoot the Apple!
A Retires National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational trophy!
New Recurve From Hoyt
Archival Archery Message Board

4H District 11 Goliad Invitational Tournament
This was the first of SEVEN invitationals to be held between now and the end of December, with a final, eight, championship meet to be held in Lolita on December 14th.

The first 4H match of the 2002 District 11 indoor archery season was conducted in Goliad, TX on October 10 and 12. There were 92 entries with boys and girls from 5 to 18 years old shooting compounds, recurves and barebow. There were many personal bests and three youngsters graduated to the next level in shooting. Of particular note was Garrett Poncik’s 280 and 289 compound scores.

For those not familiar with our system, we let beginner 8-12 year olds shoot at 9 meters until they shoot a score of 250 for 30 arrows. At that point they graduate to intermediates where they shoot a 30 arrow round at 18 meters. Once a 200 score at 18 meters is shot, they graduate to advanced archers for a 60 arrow round at 18 meters. To graduate is a big goal and a noteworthy event. The three archers' names are highlighted in GOLD on the results table at the link below.

In addition to the individual shooting, there were 5 recurve teams and 5 compound teams competing for the team awards.

Next week’s match is in Columbus, TX with the following week in Bay City, TX. View the calendar here.
The results are listed here. For photos, go here.

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A A&M Indoor Draws Near

Registrations are still being accepted for the A A&M 'Aggie Invitational" but time is getting short!

The folks at A&M currently have one of the nicest venues for shooting indoors in the Lone Star State, and attendances in the past have shown a distinct UPWARDS trend. Use this link to access the registration page on the A&M website, print it, fill it out, and mail it in with your registration fee ASAP. Registering sooner than later also helps Kathy Eissinger and Frank Thomas to prepare for the event and deal with all of the logistics. A write-up and pictures from last year's great shoot (with nearly 150 archer!) can be viewed online here.

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Archival Archery President Writeup of  World Masters Games, Held In Australia

2002 World Masters Games - Melbourne, Australia by Rick Stonebraker

I will make this brief as I will knock out a more complete story later. In a nutshell, the first ever FITA World Masters Championship was held in conjunction with the World Masters Games and there wasn't too many problems between the two organizations. The FITA judges blended in quite well and didn't push a lot of tick-tack rules so it went pretty well.

The indoor gymnasium was dimly lit and I didn't bring my contacts so I was basically aiming at the center of the target 'cause I couldn't see the ten-ring. I didn't have an exceptional round but I shot the best 60 arrows that I could. I was behind with six arrows to go before I strung out a 30 and a 29 and edged it out. That accounted for a GOLD medal in the World Masters Games and FITA recognized it as the first ever World Indoor Masters Championship for FITA. So, after coming within one point of winning a World Championship in 1974 in Zagreb, Yugoslavia, I finally won a world title. ( actually three world titles).

The indoor round was held at the Werribee sports complex and comprised of a single round of 60 arrows. The outdoor rounds were held on the grounds of the Werribee estate, which encompasses a 60-room mansion, a spectacular ten-hectare grand garden, 142 Australian species of flora and fauna, a rose garden that displays 5,000 roses to perfection, and an adjoining open range zoo spread out over 200 hectares. One fine archery venue if you asked me! (A hectare is 100 meters by 100 meters)

Initially, the first FITA Target World Championship for the Master division was to be determined on the FITA round but FITA decided to keep in the flavor of the current FITA World Championships and decided to determine the World Championship by a match-play elimination round. I could not have been more pleased as the wind was atrocious on the long distances. The World Masters Games shoots 70-60-50-30 for the 50-59 age group and 60-50-40-30 for the 60-69 age group. As FITA recognizes the masters division as 50 and older, FITA decided to use the 60 meter distance as the common distance for a qualification round. Get this, the wind was so bad, the winning score on the FITA round was 1217 and I had an 1187. For the 60 meter distances, I could only manage a 287. FITA used only the top four scores for the match-play. The reason was a time factor and this was shot at noon and before the other age-group divisions shot their rounds. This is all new so they did well in the inaugural event. Things will go much smoother the next time. This was also "be patient". More like a "adapt, improvise and overcome" type of situation.

Anyway, the top four scores were: 304, 304, 287, 286 and 286. The latter two had a one-arrow shoot-out to get in the shoot-off. and BTW, I managed to nail a 56 on the last end to get the 287. Any less then my best at all times would not have been good enough. It was very frustrating shooting in this kind of wind, very frustrating. Think of the A shoot-out only with a cross-wind. Every shot was a mixture of guess-work and skill. I saw a lot of frustration on other archers but not from me, even though I would have much preferred to take them on with better conditions and pure skill. So, a mere two points less and I was out.

In the semi-finals, wind again and I was one point behind with one end to go and I was shooting the guy from Finland who won the gold for the FITA round - and he was using X-10's. I found a hole in the wind and the last three arrows were 29. I won by 2 points and into the finals.

In the finals, I battled the guy I edged indoors. We were tied with one end to go and all I could muster in the wind was a 9, 8, 8. He had 2 nines up there with an arrow to go. He needed a seven to tie and eight to win (this is at 60 meters. He shot a six and I won by a point.

I did two things to allow me to win the gold so pay attention: I won the coin toss so I made him shoot the last arrow as I knew this was his first match-play so he was at a dis-advantage. Also, it was cold but I chose to shoot in a sleeve-less shirt to minimize the possibility of catching any clothing. Whether you are shooting your best or not, you do whatever you can to maximize your chances. I found out later that he hit his jacket on the last shot. He was toasty and warm under all those clothes and I was freezing my ass but I warmed up quite nicely with a gold and another world title and the first ever FITA World Masters Target Championship.

The World Masters Games shot a IFArchival Archery field which is NFAA style. It was all in the open and the same winds as the day before and nothing to stop it. I shot a 484 which is not too bad considering I hammered a very nice 526 at the NFAA nationals in 2001 and I won another gold with points to spare. This would be the only round where there wasn't duplicate medals as FITA doesn't recognize this round.

The IFArchival Archery field range meandered through a sparse forest but mostly out in the open areas of a volcano-like crater that had many up-n-down shots, and the ever-present wind swirling about. The FITA field was mainly a flat course through light woods and a blooming apple orchard. Aiming at a target with a giraffe, rhino, zebras or wildebeest in the background was a study in concentration.

The fifth and final day of competition was the FITA field and I found out shortly before shooting that FITA was going to recognize this as a world championship for the masters as well just to keep everything in line. The top shooter was on my target so I could keep an eye on him but after the half, I was distancing myself and decided there may be others out there so I kept my nose to the grindstone. Even though the course was relatively flat and by that I mean the Archival Archery state field was much more competitive than this course was. Anyway, I shot a strong 333 with only one three the whole course. Second and third was 304 and 300 so I won my third world FITA title in the masters division. I also got another gold from the world masters games.

Another lesson to learn. On the next-to-last target, 40 meters, I shot a good first shot and Dave called it: "five, just below the X." He had been calling arrows all day and was doing a so-so job. YOU MUST know your arrow-caller. Anyway, he said just below the X-ring. I shot another good shot and he said right beside the first one. The third arrow was right down the gut so I was expecting a 15. I got down there and it was a 5-4-4. The 5 that was just below the X was 3" below the X and barely in the 5-ring. The one right beside it was a four and the other one a four also. The group was the size of a 50-cent piece. KNOW your arrow caller and if you do not, scope them yourself. You may say this sounds irrelevant because I won by 30 points but in field archery, a 2 point swing can be deadly. So, file this lesson away and if you paid close attention to this note, there are about a half-dozens lessons above.

The oldest archer at the games was 87 years young but the spryest was Tina Hall at 85. Tina has a sharp wit about her, which she displayed at the awards ceremony. When she received her medal, she said she preferred the handsome 54-year young presenter instead.

So, the medal count is:

World Masters Game indoor - gold
World Masters Game outdoor - silver
World Masters Games IFArchival Archery field - gold
Worlds Masters Games FITA field - gold
FITA master world indoor - gold
FITA master world outdoor - gold
FITA master world field - gold

A special dinner was held for the archers at the Old Melbourne Gaol in downtown Melbourne. This is the oldest prison in Melbourne. It closed in 1924 after 136 people were hanged for various offenses. Over a hundred people attended this unusual buffet via candlelight to reflect the "charm" of the place. A string quarter fittingly entertained us with chamber music! Tours took us to many of the cells and torture chambers as well as the hanging gallows. An elaborate chart was made years ago to calculate the perfect "drop". Length of rope was in proportion to the persons weight in order to extinguish a person's life instantaneously and not leave a bruise or tear the skin. Needless the say, this will be an archery banquet that will be hard to top.

Needless to say, I had a great time.

From down-under, Rick :)

p.s. Send a note to the address below to ensure that archery will be apart of the 2005 World Masters Games in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Archery is not a core sport in the WMG but is on the optional list and the local organizers choose those sports but the more people that write, the better chance it has. Besides, this is your sport and you have to subsidize and promote it for it to exist. Send an email

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26th Longhorn Indoor Tournament
Tom Parrish of UT has sent the registration form out to us for the Longhorn Indoor Tourney. The tournament will be November 22 thru the 24th at the same location as last year, the Anna Hiss Gym. UT is constructing a new building right beside the gym, obliterating the parking lot we used last year. Alternative parking is available across the Dean Keaton/26th street in parking garages. A map will be posted on the Archival Archery website and you can view the area using this link and the registration form can be found at this link.

Please use the online method for registering and be sure to make the deadline for mailing your printed form and check in. Since all the popular shooting times filled up fast last year some people were not able to shoot their desired times. JOAD archers have the 8am timeslot on Saturday reserved for them. Don't delay!

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Shoot the Apple!

Archery's international governing body, Federation Internationale de Tir a L' Arc (FITA) Council, has selected New York City to host the 2003 World Outdoor Target Archery Championships from July 13-19, 2003 at Van Cortlandt Park in the Bronx. Five hundred archers from around the world are expected to compete. In addition to being a World Championship event, the competition also will serve as the Olympic qualifier to determine which archers will compete at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens. The story continues here

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A Retires National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational trophy!
The National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational was held in Raton, NM the last week of July. The A Shooting Sports team once again won the overall events and as a direct result of the continued excellence of A 4-H archers the traveling trophy has been retired to live permanently in A.
The Recurve Archery team : Dex Dean, Matthew Ross, Andrea Gerla and Christopher Page received the Gold Medal for their hard work. The Compound Archery team : Jesse Richmond, Buddie Richmond, Jeffrey Kallus, and Garrett Poncik (!) was awarded the Silver Medal. The Hunting Skills team of Ben Mieth from Colorado County and Chase Swanson from Wharton County came home with the Silver Medal in that event.

James Ross (Colorado Co.) was the Coach for the Recurve team and Richard Poncik (Colorado) was coach for the Compound team. And thanks to Ruth Poncik for letting us know about these accomplishments. Once again we are all reminded of the good archery efforts of the 4-H in A and everywhere.

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New Recurve From Hoyt
From George Tekmitchov (posted on

2003 Hoyt Matrix Recurve

Introducing the 2003 Matrix recurve. 2.6#, a couple of ounces lighter than the 7 year old Avalon, which it replaces. Available in 23" and 25" lengths.

Improvements include the reduced moment grip to rest geometry, and the solid locking limb alignment system, introduced last year on the Aerotec. This new riser is legal for FITA barebow and IBU Archery Biathlon.

The Matrix features a new front stabilizer location (toward the archer) which allows the shooter to attenuate felt vibration through use of a Doinker and small weight. (TEC design bows don't need this). This makes the bow feel a bit like an Avalon. Without the weight, the bow can feel a bit more crisp, like an Elan or Radian.

The top-of-the-line Aerotec (shown in the small image) is unchanged for 2003, and we have introduced a new 23"Aerotec for short draw shooters or those desiring a lighter TEC design riser.

Colors for all Hoyt machined recurve risers include solid black, Sage Green, Fade Red, Fade Blue, Flame, and the U.S. Flag motif. Hoyt USA Website

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