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5/2012: Tom Barker found this interesting generator for scoresheets. I have found it has great potential, but the product may need additional editing after for maximum effect: Generate A Scoresheet

Note from the USA Archery Website (3/2005):
All scorecard forms that are used for indoor and outdoor tournaments must be updated according to FITA rules. Please note the following items:
1) Hits--Remove all references to "hits", since these are no longer used in tie-breaking procedures.
2) Tens, Nines, Xs: In Round-Robin matches ties are broken by shoot-offs, so the scorecards should have boxes to record up to three shootoff arrows for each match, and all references to "tens" and "nines" and/or "Xs" should be deleted. (Please note that this does NOT apply to the U.S. Open eliminations round, however, because "10s" and "Xs" are used to rank archers who do not advance to the next round.)

Rather than re-invent the wheel, use the examples below as a starting point to create your event's scoresheets.   And if you think you have improved upon them, please email the webmaster a copy so we can add it to this page!


Scoresheets devised by Bill Frank, president of the UT Archery Club, for the 2001 USIAC in Austin, TX

FITA Scorecard (MS DOC file)
FOR Individual (MS DOC file)
FOR Team (MS DOC file)

Team Scoresheet (doc file)

FITA Excel Scoresheets
FITA Outdoor Scoresheet XLS in zip file - Jim Krueger - This is a printing spreadsheet for hardcopy blanks
FITA Outdoor Scoring Spreadsheet with formulas -zip file - Steve Lomas - Includes VEGAS xls also - not for print, for data-entry
FITA Outdoor Scoresheet  (xls spreadsheet to print, no Hits column)
TSAA Target Scoresheet.xls (No Hits column)
TSAA JOAD Target Scoresheet.xls (No Hits column)
TSAA Field Scoresheet.xls - courtesy of Rick Stonebraker
4-H Indoor Tournament divisions/registration/scoresheet spreadsheet by Dale & Teresa Garner
RoundRobin Scoresheet1  RoundRobin Scoresheet2  - XLS files from Randi Smith
Acrobat Versions of Indoor Scoresheets:
UT Indoor FITA Example
A & M JOAD  Scoresheet
A & M TEAM Scoresheet
Indoor JOAD Scoresheet 2005 by Ron Carmichael for hardcopy blanks - spreadsheet version
Spreadsheet INDOOR Scoresheet by Gina Carmichael - Printing spreadsheet for hardcopy blanks


Spreadsheet with Macros for an OR draw sheet by Joe McGlyn


Comprehensive Spreadsheet for Outdoor Tournament Planning by Jim Krueger


LEADERBOARD TEMPLATE  by  Janice Price (Pian) of Arizona Archery.