Youth Archery Enrichment
District 11 4H Archery and the Coastal Bend JOAD clubs present two youth
archery enrichment opportunities. On December 20-21 a world class recurve
archer, Guy Krueger, will be presenting a recurve seminar. Hoyt pro staff
shooter and NFAA 2003 Shooter of the year, Michael Braden, will be holding a
compound archery clinic on January 18-19. Details follow.
Seminar for the Experienced Recurve Archer and Coach
By Guy Krueger
Do you or your archer experience ups and downs? Do you think you would have more
fun by winning more? Do you want to make shooting in competitions EASY? If so,
this seminar is for you! This seminar will be a 2-day clinic covering everything
an archer and coach needs to know to make it to that next level!
This seminar is brought to you by, Guy Krueger, well-known and regarded A
Archer - 2003 Pan Am Games Silver Medallist and member of the 2003 US World
Team. Guy made the US World Team in 2001, but soon realized that there should be
an easier way to get to that level. Since then, he has spent two years learning
the easiest way to shoot. In that time, he has trained with some of the top
Korean coaches and archers. The following are a few of his most recent
2003 Pan Am Games Team Gold and Individual Silver Medallist
2003 US World Outdoor and Indoor Teams
2000 World University Champion
2002 World University Bronze Medallist
Archers Seminar
The Archers Seminar will be conducted on both Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 20-21,
from 2pm to 5pm. The purpose of this seminar is for recurve archers to receive
coaching advice from top-level archer Guy Krueger. Archers will receive
coaching, equipment and training tips, and video analysis. Recommended skill
level of archer is age 12 to adult with at least a few years experience.
Coaching Seminar
The coaching seminar will take an in depth look at the Korean methods of
shooting and training. The course will explore the logical reasons to shoot with
correct bone alignment, how to get correct bone alignment, details and how to's
of every aspect of the shot, and training regiments. There will also be analysis
of video footage of the world's best archers. Those attending the Coaches
seminar will also be welcomed to stay for the Archers seminar to watch, learn
more coaching information, and test their new knowledge of technique.
Archers Seminar $50/archer
Coaches Seminar $100/person
Both Seminars $120/person
Family Plans: (2 or more from same family) Archers seminar $40/person Coaches
seminar $85/person
Both Seminars $100/person
Saturday December 20, 2003 & Sunday December 21, 2003:
Sat. 12/20: 9am - 1pm Coaches clinic part 1
Sun. 12/21: 9am - 1pm Coaches clinic part 2
Sat. 12/20: 2pm - 5pm Archers clinic part 1
Sun. 12/21: 2pm - 5pm Archers clinic part 2
Location: 4-H Activities Center VICTORIA, TX (red star on maps)
Experienced Recurve Archers and Coaches Seminar
Victoria, TX
December 20-21, 2003
For more questions contact
Guy Krueger
. Use this link for registration form.

Compound Archery Seminar
With Professional Archer Michael Braden Hoyt Pro Staff Shooter
Seminar for beginning to advanced compound archers.
Subjects covered:
1. Form Mechanics
2. Shot Execution
3. Aim Techniques
4. Practice Routine
5. Mental Confidence
Saturday, Jan 18th: 9am-5pm,
Sunday, Jan 19th: 8am-12pm
Cost: $75 per archer (Lunch on Saturday included)
(For families with 2 or more youth archers the cost is $60 per archer.)
Archers should bring their own equipment. Equipment can be borrowed if
prearranged. Archers should also bring a blank VHS video tape for video analysis
to take home.
Michael has been involved in archery for 14 years and has shot competitively for
11. He joined the Professional ranks in 1996 and is an accomplished archer in
both spot target shooting and 3-D shooting. He is a two time National Champion
and Certified NArchival Archery Level 3 Coach
Location: 4-H Activities Center
To register and for more information contact
Barker or 361-578-0973
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