***NOTE by the webmaster: This weekend, February 28-Mar 1, 2015, Rick participated in the USA Archery's National Indoor Championship held in College Station at A A&M. He not only broke the existing record for Men's Barebow Master, he advanced it by EIGHT points, to an all-time high of 538 (of a possible 600 points) on a 40cm target at 18 meters distance.. Barebow is a recurve bow with no sight, no clicker, and no stabilizers! Once again Rick has shown excellence in archery, much as he has done throughout his archery career! Biographical Information on this former Archival Archery President: Costa Rica Cup Championship 2002 World Masters Games:
Send Mail: ricks@achivalarchery.org Documents by Rick Stonebraker: Fixing Whitetail Target Centers Arrows Over The Dunes - Rick in
Dubai, Oct. 2005 World Masters Championships, October
2002 FITA Recognizes World Records for
the Masters Division NFAA National Field Championship 2001 - Attended by
many Texans, four of whom placed well LEVEL TWO Training Camp in Alpine, A in
May, 2001 Paralympics
2000 - the event, held after the Olympics, in Australia - pictures and an
article published in US INTERNATIONAL ARCHER in the January-February 2001 issue as well as Archery Focus Vol. 5, Number 2, 2001. NFAA National Field
Championship 2000- An excellent tournament FINISH THE SHOT - (Extend past the clicker) by Rick Stonebraker
as written for the Archery Focus Magazine Sept/Oct 1997 and The Glade Magazine Autumn 2000
. The Mind and Archery - What works in
archery works in life, and vice-versa. Memoirs of being an Archery Judge at the 1996