Age Calculators - AGE Calculator for JOAD Divisions | Enter a D.O.B. and this shows you what JOAD age division applies. |
Rockford JOAD Calculator | An excel spreadsheet for calculating JOAD divisions, posted by permission |
AMO bow standards (acrobat file: 126kb) |
Everyone talks about the AMO standard - Archery Manufacturer's Organization provides guidelines on bows |
Archer Development: Canadian Federation's Long-Term Archer Development Program | An acrobat file every coach should download and use to develop their own philosophy of coaching. |
Archer's Paradox | This oft misunderstood and misapplied term is explained. ARC, 4/2001 ALSO: Rotation of Arrow does NOT.... |
Archery Service Dog: Jonah Stone | Service dogs are enablers for archers - this is Jonah Stone's story. |
Archer Tournament Guidelines from the ASAA | The Arizona State Archery Association archers have put together a pretty good set of information for those wishing to shoot in a FITA-level tournament. Recommended |
Archery Range Design- AMO Standards for laying out ranges | Excerpt from Easton Document on ACEs&X10s in jpg format |
Archery Range Setup/Design | Setting up an archery range - financial considerations of all equipment needed. - This was created by JOAD coaches Racae and Alex Meyer, Austin A |
Archery Shot Execution | by Larry Skinner |
Archery Safety Article | from the ATA website. |
2003 Arrow Selecton Software | Easton Arrows - Windows-based software to assist in selecting shafts |
DOS ASSISTANT DirectorOfShootingAssistant pdf |
"Director of Shooting" Archery Timer for FITA shooting, by Tim Humphrey, used by the Archival Archery (tournament timing software and digital lights).Tim Humphrey has developed a complete software and hardware system for outdoor FITA/NArchival Archery tournaments (and indoor as well). I have seen this in operation (at the UT Sunbird tournament view photos to see them in action) and in broad daylight the displays were very easy to see at all times. |
JOAD Light Controller | A Light Controller with a buzzer |
MASS FIATT (Free Indoor Archery Tournament Timer)
MASS CATT (Cyclic Archery TrainingTimer) |
Richard Hart of the State Archery Association of Massachusetts has written two custom software programs that support running a tournament (MASS FIATT) and training archers to shoot with appropriate timing (MASS CATT). These are FREE (but a donation to the State Archery of Massachusetts is requested by the Archival Archery Webmaster if you or your organization finds them useful.) |
ACE/X10 Data in pdf form | |
X10 arrows | Easton GIF Image of shafts, points, nocks |
X-10 arrow information, | Bow International - George Tekmitchov writes a superb article on the nature of carbon, aluminum, spine, and grouping with regard to X-10 arrows. If the original link to Bow International's article is broken, try this archival link. Subscribe to Bow International, in either digital form or print magazine. |
ACE arrows | ACE Components |
Archery Trade Association Information | Community Planning Information(local copy) Archery Park Guide(pdf) |
Arrow Tubes | Bob Pian found this company that supplies thin-wall, clear tubes suitable for packing arrows into bowcases and such |
Arrow Wind Tunnel | A very interesting way to assess arrows. This takes you to a Swedish Website, where you can also see a very interesting recurve bow. Cool stuff, archery. |
Target Arrow Systems | All shafts and components from Easton |
Arrow Backstop | A new material that even works with Carbon Arrows - "diapers" for centers of shot-out bales. |
Articles on archery by Rick Stonebraker | Rick shares experiences as an Olympic Judge, tournaments, and articles published in archery magazines on improving your mental game and technique. SEE ALSO Tuning for Tens below! |
Barebow Weight Mold | James Cosimini of Brandeis University shows how to make barebow lead weights using ....spuds. |
Beiter Hit Or Miss Target System | This is a page by Skippy 1440 of the Beiter Target system. Original web address is/was |
Beiter Nocking Points (BNP) | How to serve in a nocking point |
BNP Serving TIPS | Tips for Beiter Nocking Points by TexARC updated 10/2002 |
By Bernardini Riser Manual | The user manual for the by Bernardini Risers |
Bow Grip Customization | Some ideas On Customization |
Bow Measurements | Worksheet: Record your bow's configuration |
Bowstring-Making Jig, Collapsible | Version of Archival Archery Bowstring Making Jig that collapses for storage, based on Rob Distefano's original design, by ARC |
Bowstrings and Bowstring Jig | this is a page written by Rob DiStefano on making recurve bowstrings - has a series of pictures and instructions on making your own recurve bowstrings. second page. It also contains a document on making your own BOWSTRING MAKING JIG! Rob covers Whip End Servings on this page. |
BRACKETS Generation for O.R. | Tom Barker found this page of FOR brackets in DOC formats, and also this link: as the name says... |
Code Of Conduct (June,2011 version) | USA Archery has a Code Of Conduct for everyone in the organization, including archers on the line. Do not show up at any Archival Archery event and violate these, please. Link to the original location of this file. Prior Version is here |
Colleges and Universities | Schools in the US that support archery |
Cushion Plunger and Column Loading - Tuning | (aka "the button") - Tuning considerations - This was written by Dick Tone. (The link is to a biography of one of US/Canada's great archer-coaches) |
Dimples - aerodynamic effects in arrow tips | what happens when you add dimples (like a golf balls') to an arrow tip? English language Study Italian language article |
American Archers DISTANCE CHART | This OUTDATED chart was issued in 2013 by American Archers to define the JOAD Distances and Targets. As of 2015, the American Archers has released a club handbook that has an updated summary of distances. Please always refer to the American Archers website for the "latest word". |
Distances Chart (OUTDATED) Printable Acrobat Version (OUTDATED) |
THIS CHART IS NOT ACCURATE IN ALL AREAS DUE TO RULE CHANGES - Lyle McElhaney of the NArchival Archery created a great table of NArchival Archery divisions and distances for 2002. The Acrobat form prints out much more nicely than the html page. NOTE: Acrobat and html file re-written May 2010 to accomodate new rules. TexARC |
Developing Talent | The Development of Psychological Talent in U.S. Olympic Champions |
D-O-S Timing System | A member of the Archival Archery has designed a pretty neat timing system for archery (and other) events. |
Dress Code | Yes, USA Archery wishes the sport of archery to look "good". Archival Archery adheres to American Archers rules. |
Easton graphics Package.pdf | Images from Easton for marketing/advertsing Easton Archery Products- a pdf |
EASTON GUIDE pdf | Complete Overview from Easton -worth the download! |
Easton Stabilizer Components | GIF Image of all Easton Stabilizer parts |
Eye Dominance | Study on effects of monocular vision changes on sports performance (acrobat file) |
Eye Dominance Choices | Ron argues bowhand choice should be predicated on the science of myelin. |
Field Archery Explanation | An overview for state-level field archery compeition by Ron Carmichael |
Field Archery Matrix | A marked field target course must include all of the listed distances and target faces corresponding are listed here. |
Field Archery | Australian Archery's Understanding Field Archery |
Finger Sling - quicktime movie on how to tie one quick and easy | Adaptable, Cheap, Easy to Make, FINGERSLING using a shoelace - many elite archers use this solution. This great video was made and provided to the Archival Archery website by James Cosimini - of Brandeis University Archery |
Order the World Archery performance award for whatever level you've achieved. FITA Pins Form | NOTE: The below appears to have been dropped by FITA, now called World Archery, as of 2012, but they do have a number of pins you can order based on scores made during competitions recognized by WA.
Book 1, Chapter 6 of the FITA rule book describes the requirements an archer must meet in order to obtain a pin for a given score/performance.
There is a new set of pins for beginner achievements. Once you score a particular score at a STAR FITA event you are entitled to wear a pin on your quiver (or hat, coat, etc.). The pins are only about$5 each. Use this form to request FITA pins from the NArchival Archery (acrobat file) JOAD Coaches - use the beginner pins to help exemplify progress and promote excellence!![]() ![]() ![]() |
Latest FITA Rulebook |
acrobat files on the FITA website and the Archival Archery site as mirror |
FITA Recognizes World Records for the Masters Division (April,2002) | By Rick Stonebraker |
Fixing Whitetail Target Centers | By Rick Stonebraker |
Fletching Aluminum Arrows (1998) | courtesy of Ed DeBee - large pictures on how-to, 1998 |
Fletching Mylar Vanes | One way to apply spinwings/kurly vanes. |
Formaster | Usage by John Kearny of the Yew Kay |
Formaster Imagery | By TexARC, A.Ron Carmichael |
FUN SHOOT IDEAS | These were scooped off of the alt.archery binary group, posted by HooDooWitch, John Dickmon, and others... |
Girl Scout Badge | This has been proposed, and likely will become a "thing" for young ladies to achieve! |
GOOD WORKS - Trey Regan and Andrea Garner | JOAD Archers do the darndest things! |
Guiness World Record | Criteria for setting a GUINNESS WORLD RECORD.pdf |
History's Curve - Horse Archery | Saudi Aramco published this article, which is presented here with their permission. Story is by Lee Lawrence, and photographs are by David H. Wells. |
HORSE ARCHERY IN TEXAS | Trey Schlichting, the founder and instructor for "A" Company, has been an avid archer since childhood, and started instructing archery while in college. He has been teaching archery for over 22 years. In 2010 he changed his focus to horseback archery with a desire to renew this ancient sport and “A” Company was founded. Since 2011 Trey has traveled the world teaching bow clinics and horseback archery camps passionately reinvigorating this sport. |
Hoyt Compound Manual, 2002 | OLD VERSION:Hoyt Compound Manual,2001 |
How To Align Limbs in Hoyt Risers 2007 | Using the small brass washer shims to get perfect alignment of bowstring and limb tips |
Hoyt Recurve Manual 2008 | Has a great set of directions on limb adjustment - how to set the rings! |
Hoyt Recurve Manual, 2002 | Hoyt Recurve Manual,2001 |
International Paralympic Archery Classification Handbooks | Handbook(Classifiers')20102003version |
Rockford JOAD Calculator | An excel spreadsheet for calculating JOAD divisions, by Rockford JOAD Archery, published here by permission 1/4/2010 |
JOAD Distance Chart(OUTDATED) | B&W printable document by TexARC |
JOAD Handbook 2009 | OLD:JOAD Handbook 2007 version JOAD 2003 Handbook (DOC) JOAD 2003 Handbook(pdf acrobat file) |
JOAD Olympian Claim Form | JOADs that score high enough may claim an Olympian recognition from USA Archery (Always check the American Archers website for the official, current, claim form!) |
JOAD STUFF | The primary page for JOAD.ORG, of various JOAD-related topics (Junior Olympic Archer Development) |
JOIN the USA Archery | AND get Archival Archery membership for free |
Korean Tech | What is the Korean Method or Technique for Target Archery? |
LAS effects | Lancaster Archery affects archery |
Level I Instructor Resource | Larry Sullivan created this powerpoint presentation for Level I instruction, EXCELLENT. MS Powerpoint or aviewer is required. |
Light Controls for JOAD | Hardware setup to control colored spotlights |
Mfr Links | Some links to various manufacturers |
Mathews Manual | Mathews Owner Manual 2002 |
MINUTES from Board Meetings | Links to Minutes of the Archival Archery Annual Meetings Can All Be Found From the Board Page |
Morin Trainer | Climbing rope turned into a adjustable string bow with lots of intelligent design - very useful for training for both compound and recurve archers. |
Murray's Guide - VERSION FIVE If you don't download anything else from this site, any student recurve archer must download and use this compendium of information! |
the classic Archer's Reference by Murray Elliott of Balbardie
Archery, Scotland - this is a self-extracting zip of an acrobat PDF
file.For Swedish ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Most Extreme Elimination Challenge | Tom Barker notes that archery challenges us in several ways |
NArchival Archery 12-minute Fitness Test | This was what was required at one point - What was entailed in the fitness test for USAT and Jr. USAT members? |
NArchival Archery History books digitized and posted. | Thanks to Arlyne Rhode for permission to do this. - Includes the photos and can be searched digitally for any word, name or score. |
Pittman Robertson Act | Every hunting & fishing license contains a fee that can be applied for.... |
Range Design by ATA | Archery Trade Association has a great Archery Range Plan |
Safety Insight - ARCHERY SAFETY | Is Archery A Safe Sport? By arrowsport, NEISS data is compiled and reviewed. From 2004. Sportscover rates included. Archery FAILED to make the list of sports-related injuries for 65+ inidviduals, it is so safe. Bibliograpy included. |
Archers were evaluated in this Turkish study for injury frequency and type. The bibliography is also a useful source for finding more studies on this topic. | |
Safety & Risk Assessment: versions - MS doc pdf acrobat file |
Comprehensive Summary of Safety of Archery and risk assessments posted with permission of author, Kari Granville of Sun Devil Archery at Arizona State. |
Rules To Speak | Reminders that judges often give at the beginning of a tournament |
SCORING (HOW TO SCORE) | How to score arrows - good for youth archers |
SCORESHEETS: | This is a page with several examples of scoresheets for use and adaptation. Thanks to Jim Krueger and Steve Lomas for providing these. Some are for printing blank forms while others are able to tally scores as you go. |
Self-Talk - "Winning The Mental Way" |
"It’s not what you think you are that holds you back, it’s what you think you are not." Excellent book by Karlene Sugarman Pike. |
Special Archery Initiative | The Archival Archery believes "Archery Is For All - No Exceptions". Therefore, we have an initiative to enable ANY person wishing to participate in the sport to succeed. If a way can be found, persons with both physical and mental challenges are encouraged to enjoy this sport. READ THE INITIATIVE. |
Studies | Activation Pattern Bow and Arrow Interaction Postural SwayReliability of Archery ChronometerFITA and EMG |
Tiny Target Printing | Stuck in a small space but you want to have a proportionally smaller target for any distance to aim at? By Scott Heath |
Target Panic Explanation and Cure | Excerpt and information on a book by Jay Kidwell, PhD. |
TargetPlot Article | A Palm OS-platform software for developing and improving your archery published in Archery Focus - by A.Ron Carmichael |
TargetPlot Second Article | A review of the updated version of Target Plot - version 4.1 |
FITA-COMPLIANT TARGET STAND | Allen Floyd of Utah hosted a World Senior Games in Utah, and designed this unique target stand, suitable for Whitetail target bales and easy to move by a single archer. |
Target Stand by Caledon Archery Club mirrored local archival copy |
The most concise, in-depth, and complete instructions on how to construct a bowstand suitable for the Whitetail 52" bale I have ever seen. Someone obviously has too many woodworking toys/tools/time!. From the Caledon Archery Club of Canada |
Target Stand, Australian Style | This is an excellent stand, designed to be easy to move. Color photo helps in reproducing the stand. Thanks to Alan Carter of Australia. You can visit his club, Diamond Valley Archers |
TARGET STANDS JOAD SIZE | Rick Stonebraker's Innovative stand |
Target Stand: drawing of a stand | An acrobat document with a design for holding a 48" or 52" buttress in a manner compliant with the FITA regulations, created and provided by John Scott of Beaumont, TX. |
Target Stand/Buttress/target | Deerproof, inexpensive practice target by A.Ron Carmichael, 11/20/2000 |
Field Target Stand | Dan Zinn's Florida Weatherized, Long-lasting Field Target Stand |
Target Stands | 5/1/00 - Courtesy of Don Branson of NYAD/Nequa JOAD |
WINKER TARGET STAND | This stand is made from one 4 x 8 sheet of plywood with nearly perfect pass-through arrow avoidance! |
The TATA Plunger Tuning Article | Tuning the Plunger - "TexARC's Titrational Adjustment" (TATA) technique for finding the sweet spot. NOTE: The author does not use this method any more. But if nothing else works for you, then try this. Most archers never understand the effects the plunger depth and resistance have on arrow flight. |
Tournament Archery Timer | An automatic timer using a Basic Stamp II by A.Ron Carmichael, 1999 |
Tournament Software | This is a single zip file with a series of DOS-based (ie, simple) compilation of software that will let you print rosters, shooting sheets, double-elim, round-robins, etc. The original programs are from DOCUMENTS for these files ishere |
Tuning for Tens Acrobat file of above | Tuning your Recurve Bow - Both basic and advanced tuning techniques for recurve bows by Rick Stonebraker, holder of many records and titles in A Archery for over 20 years. Graphics by Murray Elliott |
FRENCH Translation of Tuning For Tens | Acrobat file of Tuning For Tens in FRENCH by Dominique Durante |
Tuning Guide 2002 | Easton 2002 Tuning Guide (1.6megs acrobat file) Version 3 |
Easton Tune Help | Nifty Simple Help File from Easton - good basic diagrams and instructions |
Turkish Safety Article | An acrobat document on Turkish Archer Injuries. Contact the author |
USOC Grants: Simon Endowment Application and Information and Memo To Eds and AAC Roush (these are word docs) |
The USOC is accepting grant applications for the William E. Simon Olympic Trust for the Support of Athletes. Applications are available from your Sport Partnership Team. Deadline for submission is October 1 each year. Past USOC President William E. Simon, Sr. established the trust in 1998 with a $1 million gift. Grants distributed from endowment earnings are to be used for training and competition expenses. Preference will be given to athletes not already receiving financial support from either the USOC or NGB. |
USA Team Requirements (which change every year or so) | What will an archer have to do in order to make the Team USA for 2014? (Includes Paralympian criteria as well as able-bodied) What was it in 2004? For Jr. Team? |
USA Archery Training Guide rev 6222006 | This is a crucial part of a modern scientific approach to training. Spreadsheet provided by Tom Parrish, High Performance Manager for USA Archery. Other Olympic sports have used this method with great success, and USA Archery has adopted it as well. |
What To Take | Lancaster Archery Supply made a very informative and easy-to-watch video about what to take to a tournament. View the video I wish to thank a person who has influenced the course of MORE archers than any coach in history. Rob Kauhfeld of Lancaster Archery. |
Whitetail Target Center Repairs | By Rick Stonebraker |
Why Fletches? | Why do arrows have vanes or fletchings on them? Ron speculates... |
Why 2514s are now illegal? (fun reading) | By Robert Michael Stewart, aka Mad-Mikey |
Windsock Setup | FITA makes/sells a nifty windsock, Bob Pian wrote a short "how-to" for them |
You Know You Are A Bowhunter | a little humor, 14 years old at least.... |
Zen in the Art of Archery, A Critical Review of | A scholar, Yamada Shoji, tasks the original work |